Website hosting in Canada

Kits Media offers managed hosting on a Canadian server, located at a Vancouver data centre. Our managed hosting costs $139 per year or $250 for two years (Canadian dollars). You’ll share managed server space ONLY with our other clients, giving your site a higher level of security than server space shared with unknown websites. Our hosting cost does not go up when you renew.

Privacy and security
Hosting your website on a server in Canada means you are protected by Canadian law against intrusive provisions from the USA Freedom Act, sweeping server seizures under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the loss of net neutrality, and other US laws or policies that can violate your privacy. Servers in Canada fall under the Canadian legal system, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), where private information on hosted servers is strictly regulated with laws designed to protect sensitive and personal data. Servers in the United States fall under the US legal system, the USA Patriot Act, where the United States government can legally access any data, block you from your data, and monitor your communications if your activity is deemed suspicious.

Learn more about our managed hosting at We’ll be glad to give you good advice at no charge.

For security and peace of mind, use our managed hosting with SSL and an excellent backup system.

Managed Hosting Features
CLOUDLINUX Operating System
LiteSpeed Web Server (allows LSCache)
Pure Solid State (SSD) Disk Drives – 10GB
Bandwidth – 100GB/month
SSL Certificate – FREE! with every account
Daily Incremental Backup – One click restore via cPanel
Free Migration (cPanel only)
WordPress pre-installed

Email Features
Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
Spam Protection
Virus Protection
Mailing Lists
Mail Forwarding
Auto Responders

Control Panel
File Manage
Custom Error Pages
IP Deny Manager
Hotlink Protection
Password Protected Directories
Webalizer Web Stats and Awstats Stats
Manage GPG Keys

Technical features
AnyCast DNS
PHP 5.3 to 7.3 Support (One click update in cPanel)
Unlimited MySQL 5.x databases
SSH Access
Cron Jobs
Server Side Includes
ionCube Loader